Liquid Contact: A Warm Water Playshop and Aquatic Dance Jam (July 27)
Event Date:
July 27, 2024
Event Time:
2:00 pm
Event Location:
Location details will be sent in your ticket confirmation email as well as in a reminder email that will be sent out the day before the event, but know at least that the location is near Thomas Fogarty Winery on Skyline in the hills of Woodside (about 1hr from Oakland, San Francisco and Santa Cruz)
Come connect, Dance, Play and Surrender in water’s healing embrace at The Inner Sanctum in Woodside.
Give yourself the gift of experiencing the depth of relaxation and the calming effects that nature and returning back to the womb has on our nervous system at our warm water temple in the woods.
You are invited to join us for an intentional day and evening of guided aquatic exploration and Liquid Contact, followed by a community meal.
A zero-gravity experience guided by epic soundtracks playing both above and underwater in a 97 degree womb-temperature pool, surrounded by the beauty & tranquility of nature.
We will support each individual to explore a variety of water dynamics and movement states, dropping deeply into self and presence. From this state, we will connect intimately with self and others as we are guided by the water to explore dance and movement.
Through our community journey we will deepen trust, explore consent, authenticity, playfulness, surrender, & experience nourishing relaxation.
Suggested Donation Range: $68 – $124
* Work trade options available if financial aid needed
** Liquid contact is an 18 and over event
- 2:00 Arrival, check-in, drop-in and connect
o Opening circle
o Guided Aquatic Exploration with Kellyfish & John Delaplaine
o Liquid Contact Jam
o Reflections
o Dinner (vegetarian/ vegan)
• Community clean up and closing circle - 8:30 departure
Location details will be sent in your ticket confirmation email as well as in a reminder email that will be sent out the day before the event, but know at least that the pool is near Thomas Fogarty Winery on Skyline in the hills of Woodside (about 1hr from Oakland, San Francisco and Santa Cruz)
Please arrive on time. If possible please shower just before you come and please arrive scent, oil and lotion free. You can also shower in our pool barn after you arrive.
Health Mindfulness:
If you have been around large groups, risky containers, or are not feeling well, please take a covid test and/or consider staying home. Transmission risks in this container are pretty low but let’s do our best to keep each other safe.
What to bring:
- • – A bathing suit or alternate clothing that is comfortable and non-restrictive – the pool is kept at around 97 degrees
• – A towel
• – A robe (optional)
• – Flip flops
• – A plastic or metal water bottle
• –Cozy clothes to change into for our shared meal time
We are so looking forward to sharing the warm waters of this sweet sanctuary with you!